Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ehlers-danlos Syndrome More Condition_symptoms Anyone Here Have Hyper Mobility Or Ehlers Danlos Syndrome?

Anyone here have hyper mobility or ehlers danlos syndrome? - ehlers-danlos syndrome more condition_symptoms

my friend has been with the operation HMED had 12 knees, 2 shoulder surgery, it is hyper-Mobile diagnosed in almost all municipalities. She applied for disability will be rejected only 3 times. Legal aid has done, but it moves very slowly. I wonder if anyone has to cope with a disability and what problems you encountered. She has been fighting for about 9 years and is now 41st Every year that goes by is harder for them. I researched on the Internet, but they have not for everyone who has spoken personally experienced.


danielle... said...

I was with Ehlers-Danlos diagnosis in 1993, I was 10 years (now 23). I also received a diagnosis of hypermobility. I have arthritis in his left knee, and all of my joints. I have tried to disability and refused, I also have many other things happening to me. I am currently seeking legal aid, but they still have to submit with my application. There have been cases of EDS, which were won, I can not find, although the site again. He said EDS is also as an undifferentiated connective tissue disease, occurring in 14.06 in the list of deficiencies. I am sure you have further questions, ask.

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